EMCDDA supports national drug observatories via training on contemporary approaches to drug monitoring

‘Analysing, interpreting and disseminating drug-related data to facilitate decision-making’ will be the focus of an innovative training course hosted by the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) this week in Lisbon. Opening today and running until 2 October, the event is a thematic twinning initiative of the EU’s Cooperation Programme between Latin America and the European Union on Drugs Policies (COPOLAD).

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EMCDDA welcomes European Commission call for stronger EU action on new drugs

The EMCDDA welcomes the European Commission’s proposal today to strengthen the EU’s response to new psychoactive substances (‘new drugs’). The proposal follows an unprecedented rise in the number of new drugs detected in Europe in recent years and a Commission review of the EU’s current legal mechanism for monitoring and acting on these new substances.

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Experts to examine latest scientific research in the field of new drugs

12.09.2013 Experts to examine latest scientific research in the field of new drugs

International experts convene in Swansea (UK) today to examine the latest scientific research in the rapidly-changing field of new drugs. The Second international conference on novel psychoactive substances is hosted by the College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea University, in collaboration with Hertfordshire University and the EMCDDA.

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