Hepatitis elimination barometer — focus of new report

The EMCDDA is working with its expert network on drug-related infectious diseases (DRID) on an ‘elimination barometer’ for viral hepatitis to help countries assess progress towards eliminating hepatitis C and B among people who inject drugs (PWID). 27.09.2019 
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New EMCDDA manual and training courses for professionalising drug prevention

European Prevention Curriculum — handbook and training 24.09.2019  Advancing the professionalism of the drug prevention workforce in Europe is at the heart of a new European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) handbook, launched today by the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA). The manual is designed to train professionals who are involved in shaping prevention decisions, opinions and policies in Europe in the science-based prevention of substance use (1).
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EMCDDA joins EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies in presenting work at European Parliament

EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is at the European Parliament today, where he will be presenting the agency’s activities to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). The EMCDDA will be joining other Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies — CEPOL, EASO, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Europol and FRA — in introducing their work to the new LIBE MEPs. 04.09.2019 
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Dne 2. července 2024 se centrum EMCDDA stalo Agenturou Evropské unie pro drogy (EUDA).
Web agentury: https://www.euda.europa.eu Informační stránka o novém mandátu centra EMCDDA (agentury EUDA) je na webu EUDA k dispozici i v češtině - OTEVŘÍT Změnily se i e-mailové adresy zaměstnanců agentury, jsou nyní ve formátu jmeno.prijmeni@euda.europa.eu.