EMCDDA launches 2024 European Web Survey on Drugs to assess patterns of drug use in over 30 countries

, rubrika EMCDDA news

Do you use drugs? How many? Why? These are among the questions posed in the latest European Web Survey on Drugs, launched today by the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA). Targeted at people, aged 18 and over, who have used drugs, the survey aims to improve understanding of patterns of drug use in Europe and help shape future drug policies and interventions. The voluntary, anonymous survey — one of the agency’s targeted ‘leading-edge’ monitoring methods — will run this year in 36 countries in around 30 languages. As in previous years, it will be promoted nationally by the Reitox focal points and their…

Dne 2. července 2024 se centrum EMCDDA stalo Agenturou Evropské unie pro drogy (EUDA).
Web agentury: https://www.euda.europa.eu Informační stránka o novém mandátu centra EMCDDA (agentury EUDA) je na webu EUDA k dispozici i v češtině - OTEVŘÍT Změnily se i e-mailové adresy zaměstnanců agentury, jsou nyní ve formátu jmeno.prijmeni@euda.europa.eu.