Just published: The ESPAD validity study in four countries in 2013

Assessing the validity of the information that has been collected is a relevant issue in any study. After the publication of the 2011 ESPAD report and in the view of preparations for the 2015 survey, a review of the questionnaire used to collect the data was conducted. The results of that exercise are presented in the validity study. 

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Just published: Drugnet Europe 91

In this issue: New technical report on estimating trends in injecting drug use | EMCDDA: 20 years of monitoring | Memorandum of Understanding with Armenia | EMCDDA launches IPA 5 project with the Western Balkans | New EMCDDA products and services | Selection procedure for new EMCDDA Director

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Just published: Alternatives to punishment for drug-using offenders

Based on the options provided by the international drug control legal framework, this paper considers the rehabilitative measures of treating, educating or reintegrating drug users as alternatives or additions to conviction or punishment that are established in the laws of many countries in Europe today.

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Just published: Budget 2015

The EMCDDA receives stable funding under Commission budget line B3-441 of the general budget of the European Union. Each year, a preliminary draft budget is presented by the Centre's Director to the Management Board, which may modify the draft before adopting it and submitting it to the European Commission. The Commission, in turn, makes its recommendations (which may again alter the draft) and presents the result to the European Council and Parliament.

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Just published: EMCDDA-Europol 2014 Annual Report

This report presents the key activities performed by the EMCDDA and Europol in 2014, with details on all the relevant activities in support of the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA on the information exchange, risk assessment and control of new psychoactive substances, including new psychoactive substances notified in 2014, Joint Reports produced, risk assessments conducted and public health alerts and advisories issued.

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