25 years of monitoring — selected events from the EMCDDA’s international cooperation history

Drugs have long been a cross-border phenomenon. As drug problems in Europe are increasingly linked to, and influenced by, global developments, it is crucial that our analysis of trends and developments be placed in the wider international context. This is why working with external partners is a key area of our work, increasing our understanding of the external dimension of the drug phenomenon as well as boosting our preparedness to react quickly to new threats. 30.03.2020 
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Latest wastewater data reveal drug-taking habits in 68 European cities — traces of stimulant drugs rise again

New study on wastewater analysis shines light on city drug use 10.03.2020  The latest findings from the largest European project in the emerging science of wastewater analysis are presented today by the Europe-wide SCORE group, in association with the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) (1). The project analysed wastewater in 68 cities in 23 European countries to explore the drug-taking behaviours of their inhabitants.
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