The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030

, section Announcements

A report summarising the findings and lessons learnt from the EMCDDA’s ‘futures study’. The European monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction (EMCDDA) has published this publication in the TECHNICAL REPORTS series. The publication is also available in Czech.

All language versions of The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030 are available free of charge from the EMCDDA website, in the article The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030: A report summarising the findings and lessons learned from the EMCDDA's 'futures study'

Direct links for download

The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030

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ISBN 978-92-9497-854-7, TD-04-23-158-EN-N, DOI: 10.2810/923077. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (2023), The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Budoucnost monitorování drog v Evropě do roku 2030

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ISBN 978-92-9497-893-6, TD-04-23-158-CS-N,  DOI:10.2810/191970. Evropské monitorovací centrum pro drogy a drogovou závislost (2023), Budoucnost monitorování drog v Evropě do roku 2030, Úřad pro publikace Evropské unie, Lucemburk.