Calendar of events


The EU-Russia Expert Meeting on Drugs and Drug Addiction

European Commission’s presentation of the EU policy towards Russia in the field of drugs and drug addiction; Presentation of the Russian delegation relating to the situation of drug supply and demand reduction; Presentation of the EMCDDA and EUROPOL representatives concerning the situation in the EU countries. Continuation of workshops concerning drug supply, demand reduction and research. Drawing short, middle and long term aims and preparing schedule of the future cooperation. Preparation of the draft version of conclusions and recommendations from the expert meeting by a task group. Preparation of the draft version of conclusions and recommendations from the expert meeting by a task group. Adoption of a conclusions document, foreseen for further acceptance during the Troika Meeting and the EU-Russia JHA Ministerial Meeting. Panel presentations in 4 groups: 1st group SUPPLY REDUCTION: 2nd group PREVENTION AND DRUG POLICY; 3rd group TREATMENT, REHABILITAION AND HARM REDUCTION; 4th group DRUG MONITORING SYSTEM IN THE AREA OF DEMAND REDUCTION.
place: Warszaw, Poland