Map of Aid
The Map of Aid contains contacts details of facilities providing treatment, counselling and prevention in the field of addiction in the Czech Republic, categorised by type of service, and by region and within regions by district and town. Smoking cessation services, gambling services and self-help groups working in the field of addiction are also included.
The List of certificate holders in the field of addiction services - Seznam držitelů certifikátů odborné způsobilosti adiktologických služeb - is published on the website of the Government Council for Addiction Policy Coordination under the tab Certifikace a síť služeb (Czech only).
The map is administered by the National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction, which is part of the Drug Policy Department of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. Information is collected from the facilities listed in the map, either directly or from public sources (e.g. websites). Although the database is regularly updated, some of the data may be out of date.
Please notify us of any inaccuracies or errors and request corrections by e-mail. You can send a request to the same email. If you do not wish to be listed on the Help Map, you can use the same email to request that your information be removed. Thank you very much.
Other information
- HIV testing / HIV testování - map, list of testing sites and other information for anonymous testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C infections. (Czech only)
- IntegroMap - this map covers many topics such as job opportunities, where to find the nearest doctor, where to put Ukrainian children in school or where to find psychological help. IntegroMap is available as a web and mobile app (Android and iOS) and works in three languages.