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Drugs, Alcohol and Criminal Justice: Ethics, Effectiveness and Economics of Interventions (CONNECTIONS Project)

The Second European Conference of the CONNECTIONS Project, organised by the Conference Consortium and supported by Drink and Drugs News and Napo - The conference will look at a range of interventions and treatments, from harm reduction to drug free "recovery" in the criminal justice system. The premise is that no one treatment modality can deal effectively with the complex range of presented need. The task of the conference is to discuss and debate how best the different components can be combined most effectively. Within the context of criminal justice systems some of the key issues for the conference will be: - Acces and equivalence, - Evidence and effectiveness, - How can we reconcile different philosophies and shape a system based on choice and plurality?, - Who decides what is offered and when, - What role should and can service users play in service design and delivery?
místo: Friends House, London (UK)