Kalendář akcí


Drugs in prisons in South Eastern Europe

The main target group of this conference will include representatives from prisons, health, law enforcement, judiciary, social and other authorities as well as from civil society from the region of South Eastern Europe which for the purpose of this conference includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Kosovo* and Slovenia.
místo: Holiday Inn, Mosa pijade street 2, Skopje

Dne 2. července 2024 se centrum EMCDDA stalo Agenturou Evropské unie pro drogy (EUDA).
Web agentury: https://www.euda.europa.eu Informační stránka o novém mandátu centra EMCDDA (agentury EUDA) je na webu EUDA k dispozici i v češtině - OTEVŘÍT Změnily se i e-mailové adresy zaměstnanců agentury, jsou nyní ve formátu jmeno.prijmeni@euda.europa.eu.