Click and learn with the EMCDDA’s new-look Best practice portal

Real-life responses to drug problems come under the spotlight today as the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) launches its revamped Best practice portal. Designed as a practical and reliable source of what works, and what doesn’t, in the areas of drug-related prevention, treatment, harm reduction and social reintegration, the portal is targeted at practitioners and professionals.

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Dne 2. července 2024 se centrum EMCDDA stalo Agenturou Evropské unie pro drogy (EUDA).
Web agentury: https://www.euda.europa.eu Informační stránka o novém mandátu centra EMCDDA (agentury EUDA) je na webu EUDA k dispozici i v češtině - OTEVŘÍT Změnily se i e-mailové adresy zaměstnanců agentury, jsou nyní ve formátu jmeno.prijmeni@euda.europa.eu.