Director presents European Drug Report 2023 at the European Parliament

EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is at the European Parliament today where he will be presenting the European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments (EDR 2023) to members of the Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). An exchange of views following the presentation will include interventions from Professor Meni Malliori, representative of the European Parliament on the EMCDDA Management Board, and Ms Iga Jeziorska, member of the core group of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSFD). Based on data from 29 countries (EU 27, Türkiye and Norway), the EDR 2023 delivers…
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New guidance for drug checking services in health risk communication

Health risk communication strategies for drug checking services in Europe is the focus of a new EMCDDA manual out today. The resource provides staff working in these services with practical guidance on communicating drug-related risks at both an individual and community level. Drug checking services are available in 11 EU Member States, as well as in Switzerland, the UK and other parts of the world. They provide potentially life-saving information on the content of drug samples submitted to them by people who use drugs, based on chemical analysis. They may also offer advice, counselling or…
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Call for experts to support the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances

This week, the EMCDDA has launched a call to scientists interested in applying to be on a list of experts who may assist the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) in the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The EUDA, which will replace the EMCDDA, will begin operations on 2 July 2024, the day on which its founding regulation enters into application. For the purpose of assessing the risks of NPS, the Scientific Committee may be extended as considered necessary by the Executive Director, acting on the advice of the Chair of the Scientific Committee. This entails designating…
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Call for expression of interest in membership of the EUDA Scientific Committee

Today, the EMCDDA has launched a call for expression of interest in membership of the Scientific Committee of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA). The EUDA, which will replace the EMCDDA, will begin operations on 2 July 2024, the day on which its founding regulation enters into application. The role of the Scientific Committee is to assist the EUDA Management Board and Executive Director by delivering opinions on any scientific matter concerning the agency's activity which they may submit to it. Each member of the EUDA Scientific Committee will be appointed for a four-year period, which…
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Latest culturally adapted EUPC training course in Portuguese delivered in Brazil

Today, the EMCDDA is kicking off the latest culturally adapted European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in Portuguese in Brazil. Under its partnership with the COPOLAD III programme, the EMCDDA has supported the two trainers for this week's five-day online course, whom it has licensed as national trainers for Brazil. The Portuguese version is the first of three culturally adapted editions of the basic EUPC training course being developed under the EMCDDA-COPOLAD partnership and targeted at Latin American and Caribbean countries. Spanish and English versions are currently…
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Key interventions to prevent and control infections among people who inject drugs

Six interventions, one aim: to prevent and control infections among people who inject drugs. In new public health guidance released today, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) have joined forces to identify key interventions to address infectious diseases in this population. Reflecting new evidence, infectious disease treatments, and public health concepts, this guidance updates the 2011 edition. Injecting drug use remains a crucial risk factor for acquiring blood-borne viruses such as hepatitis…
Čtěte více

Dialogue with European Parliament on preparations for new agency mandate

Representatives of the European Parliament are visiting the EMCDDA this week to discuss how the agency will adapt to its new mandate in 2024. New legislation published on 30 June grants the EMCDDA stronger powers to tackle current and future drug problems. The EMCDDA will become the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) on 2 July 2024, the day on which the new regulation enters into application. The EP delegation will be composed of two members of the EP’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE): Isabel Santos, rapporteur for the EUDA Regulation (PT, S&D) and shadow…
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Medal of excellence for EMCDDA expert Laurent Laniel

We are delighted to announce that our colleague Laurent Laniel has been presented with the medal of excellence of the Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre-Narcotics (MAOC (N)). He received the award for his professionalism, expertise, dedication and collaboration in tracking drug trafficking in the Atlantic and Mediterranean maritime domain. Laurent was presented with the medal on 18 October by the MAOC (N) Executive Director Sjoerd Top at a ceremony held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Medals were also awarded to distinguished national…
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Technical dialogue on cannabis policies kicks off in Montevideo

This week in Montevideo, the EMCDDA is co-organising with the Uruguayan Junta Nacional de Drogas, a technical dialogue on cannabis policies. The event is one of a range of activities organised by the agency under the COPOLAD III programme to strengthen drug policy and evaluation systems (1). Since 2014, the supply and use of cannabis for recreational purposes, as opposed to medical or industrial purposes, have been legalised in some American states, as well as in Uruguay since 2012 and in Canada since 2018. As Uruguay is preparing for an evaluation of its cannabis policies in the coming year…
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Bursaries offered for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools

The EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) are delighted to announce the availability of bursaries for the 2024 European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools. The bursaries are being offered via the agency's international cooperation programmes.   Registration for the events opened earlier this month (1): European Drugs Winter School (EDWS) [external website] (26 February–8 March 2024, online) Focus: Gender-sensitive approaches to drug-related issues European Drugs Summer School (EDSS) [external website] (24 June–5 July 2024, Lisbon) Focus: Psychostimulants in Europe: health…
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EMCDDA official visit to Peru in the framework of Working Arrangement with DEVIDA

This week, EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is making an official visit to Peru in the framework of the agency's Working Arrangement with the Peruvian national drug observatory, DEVIDA (1). This is the first such arrangement signed with a Latin-American country. The purpose of the visit is to meet representatives of DEVIDA, Peruvian authorities and other relevant actors, to further discuss areas for strengthening dialogue and cooperation. The strategic and operational aspects of the Working Arrangement — signed in May this year — and the role of national and international partners in its…
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Registration opens for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools 2024

The EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) are delighted to open registration today for two upcoming joint events in 2024: the European Drugs Winter School (EDWS) and the European Drugs Summer School (EDSS) (1).  EDWS: 26 February–8 March 2024 (online): This year, the theme will be ‘Gender-sensitive approaches to drug-related issues', with four sessions dedicated to this topic. The two-week course will feature live lunchtime lectures with experts and practitioners, followed by afternoon exercises. Virtual fieldwork tours will also be offered. Completion of exercises and an…
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New report explores links between drug markets and gun violence in the EU

The links between drug markets and gun violence in the EU are explored today in a new report from the EMCDDA and the Flemish Peace Institute. The analysis responds to a need for further research into the issue, at a time of rising drug-related violence in Europe. On average, over a quarter (28%) of the firearms seizures in Europe are estimated to have occurred in the context of drug trafficking, with this figure close to a half (44%) in some EU Member States (UNODC). The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs has emphasised the need to address the links between the illicit trafficking in drugs and…
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First culturally adapted EUPC training course in Portuguese delivered in Brazil

This week, the first culturally adapted European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in Portuguese was delivered online for 22 Brazilian participants. The Portuguese version is the first of three culturally adapted editions of the basic EUPC training course being developed under the EMCDDA's partnership with the COPOLAD III programme and targeted at Latin America and the Caribbean. Spanish and English versions are currently being piloted and prepared. The Portuguese EUPC version adapted to the Brazilian context was a joint effort of the European Society for Prevention…
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Celebrating European Day of Languages: EMCDDA multilingual drug glossary unveiled

In celebration of the European Day of Languages, we are delighted to unveil the online EMCDDA multilingual glossary of drug-related terms, a practical resource aimed at ensuring high-quality and comparable content on drug-related topics in Europe. This terminology project, which started in 2010, is a collaborative endeavour involving the EMCDDA, the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) and the national focal points of the Reitox network. Its primary aim is to support the consistent use of terminology in EMCDDA reports and outputs, maintaining linguistic precision…
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EU4Monitoring Drugs II: first EMCDDA visit to Azerbaijan

An EMCDDA delegation is in Baku today for the agency's first visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan under the EU4Monitoring Drugs II project (EU4MD II). The visit is organised in close cooperation with the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the EU Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan. The purpose of the two-day visit is to discuss: the role of the EMCDDA (both within the EU and beyond its borders); the drug situation in Europe and Azerbaijan; and cooperation between the EMCDDA and Azerbaijan until 2027.   On the agenda are meetings at the: Ministry…
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New report shows Europe as key transhipment area for captagon bound for Arabian Peninsula

Europe is a key transhipment point for captagon arriving from the Middle East and bound for the Arabian Peninsula. This is the main finding of a new report published today by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the German Federal Criminal Police Office, the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)   (1). Captagon is mainly produced in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Lebanon. The report states that recent large shipments of captagon seized in the EU were ‘destined to be rerouted towards countries of the Arabian Peninsula (2) — particularly Saudi Arabia — where…
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Director presents European Drug Report 2023 at the European Parliament

EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is at the European Parliament today where he will be presenting the European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments (EDR 2023) to members of the Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). An exchange of views following the presentation will include interventions from Professor Meni Malliori, representative of the European Parliament on the EMCDDA Management Board, and Ms Iga Jeziorska, member of the core group of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSFD). Based on data from 29 countries (EU 27, Türkiye and Norway), the EDR 2023 delivers…
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New guidance for drug checking services in health risk communication

Health risk communication strategies for drug checking services in Europe is the focus of a new EMCDDA manual out today. The resource provides staff working in these services with practical guidance on communicating drug-related risks at both an individual and community level. Drug checking services are available in 11 EU Member States, as well as in Switzerland, the UK and other parts of the world. They provide potentially life-saving information on the content of drug samples submitted to them by people who use drugs, based on chemical analysis. They may also offer advice, counselling or…
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Call for experts to support the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances

This week, the EMCDDA has launched a call to scientists interested in applying to be on a list of experts who may assist the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) in the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The EUDA, which will replace the EMCDDA, will begin operations on 2 July 2024, the day on which its founding regulation enters into application. For the purpose of assessing the risks of NPS, the Scientific Committee may be extended as considered necessary by the Executive Director, acting on the advice of the Chair of the Scientific Committee. This entails designating…
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Call for expression of interest in membership of the EUDA Scientific Committee

Today, the EMCDDA has launched a call for expression of interest in membership of the Scientific Committee of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA). The EUDA, which will replace the EMCDDA, will begin operations on 2 July 2024, the day on which its founding regulation enters into application. The role of the Scientific Committee is to assist the EUDA Management Board and Executive Director by delivering opinions on any scientific matter concerning the agency's activity which they may submit to it. Each member of the EUDA Scientific Committee will be appointed for a four-year period, which…
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Latest culturally adapted EUPC training course in Portuguese delivered in Brazil

Today, the EMCDDA is kicking off the latest culturally adapted European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in Portuguese in Brazil. Under its partnership with the COPOLAD III programme, the EMCDDA has supported the two trainers for this week's five-day online course, whom it has licensed as national trainers for Brazil. The Portuguese version is the first of three culturally adapted editions of the basic EUPC training course being developed under the EMCDDA-COPOLAD partnership and targeted at Latin American and Caribbean countries. Spanish and English versions are currently…
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Key interventions to prevent and control infections among people who inject drugs

Six interventions, one aim: to prevent and control infections among people who inject drugs. In new public health guidance released today, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) have joined forces to identify key interventions to address infectious diseases in this population. Reflecting new evidence, infectious disease treatments, and public health concepts, this guidance updates the 2011 edition. Injecting drug use remains a crucial risk factor for acquiring blood-borne viruses such as hepatitis…
Čtěte více

Dialogue with European Parliament on preparations for new agency mandate

Representatives of the European Parliament are visiting the EMCDDA this week to discuss how the agency will adapt to its new mandate in 2024. New legislation published on 30 June grants the EMCDDA stronger powers to tackle current and future drug problems. The EMCDDA will become the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) on 2 July 2024, the day on which the new regulation enters into application. The EP delegation will be composed of two members of the EP’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE): Isabel Santos, rapporteur for the EUDA Regulation (PT, S&D) and shadow…
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Medal of excellence for EMCDDA expert Laurent Laniel

We are delighted to announce that our colleague Laurent Laniel has been presented with the medal of excellence of the Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre-Narcotics (MAOC (N)). He received the award for his professionalism, expertise, dedication and collaboration in tracking drug trafficking in the Atlantic and Mediterranean maritime domain. Laurent was presented with the medal on 18 October by the MAOC (N) Executive Director Sjoerd Top at a ceremony held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Medals were also awarded to distinguished national…
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Technical dialogue on cannabis policies kicks off in Montevideo

This week in Montevideo, the EMCDDA is co-organising with the Uruguayan Junta Nacional de Drogas, a technical dialogue on cannabis policies. The event is one of a range of activities organised by the agency under the COPOLAD III programme to strengthen drug policy and evaluation systems (1). Since 2014, the supply and use of cannabis for recreational purposes, as opposed to medical or industrial purposes, have been legalised in some American states, as well as in Uruguay since 2012 and in Canada since 2018. As Uruguay is preparing for an evaluation of its cannabis policies in the coming year…
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Bursaries offered for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools

The EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) are delighted to announce the availability of bursaries for the 2024 European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools. The bursaries are being offered via the agency's international cooperation programmes.   Registration for the events opened earlier this month (1): European Drugs Winter School (EDWS) [external website] (26 February–8 March 2024, online) Focus: Gender-sensitive approaches to drug-related issues European Drugs Summer School (EDSS) [external website] (24 June–5 July 2024, Lisbon) Focus: Psychostimulants in Europe: health…
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EMCDDA official visit to Peru in the framework of Working Arrangement with DEVIDA

This week, EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is making an official visit to Peru in the framework of the agency's Working Arrangement with the Peruvian national drug observatory, DEVIDA (1). This is the first such arrangement signed with a Latin-American country. The purpose of the visit is to meet representatives of DEVIDA, Peruvian authorities and other relevant actors, to further discuss areas for strengthening dialogue and cooperation. The strategic and operational aspects of the Working Arrangement — signed in May this year — and the role of national and international partners in its…
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Registration opens for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools 2024

The EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) are delighted to open registration today for two upcoming joint events in 2024: the European Drugs Winter School (EDWS) and the European Drugs Summer School (EDSS) (1).  EDWS: 26 February–8 March 2024 (online): This year, the theme will be ‘Gender-sensitive approaches to drug-related issues', with four sessions dedicated to this topic. The two-week course will feature live lunchtime lectures with experts and practitioners, followed by afternoon exercises. Virtual fieldwork tours will also be offered. Completion of exercises and an…
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New report explores links between drug markets and gun violence in the EU

The links between drug markets and gun violence in the EU are explored today in a new report from the EMCDDA and the Flemish Peace Institute. The analysis responds to a need for further research into the issue, at a time of rising drug-related violence in Europe. On average, over a quarter (28%) of the firearms seizures in Europe are estimated to have occurred in the context of drug trafficking, with this figure close to a half (44%) in some EU Member States (UNODC). The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs has emphasised the need to address the links between the illicit trafficking in drugs and…
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First culturally adapted EUPC training course in Portuguese delivered in Brazil

This week, the first culturally adapted European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in Portuguese was delivered online for 22 Brazilian participants. The Portuguese version is the first of three culturally adapted editions of the basic EUPC training course being developed under the EMCDDA's partnership with the COPOLAD III programme and targeted at Latin America and the Caribbean. Spanish and English versions are currently being piloted and prepared. The Portuguese EUPC version adapted to the Brazilian context was a joint effort of the European Society for Prevention…
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Celebrating European Day of Languages: EMCDDA multilingual drug glossary unveiled

In celebration of the European Day of Languages, we are delighted to unveil the online EMCDDA multilingual glossary of drug-related terms, a practical resource aimed at ensuring high-quality and comparable content on drug-related topics in Europe. This terminology project, which started in 2010, is a collaborative endeavour involving the EMCDDA, the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) and the national focal points of the Reitox network. Its primary aim is to support the consistent use of terminology in EMCDDA reports and outputs, maintaining linguistic precision…
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EU4Monitoring Drugs II: first EMCDDA visit to Azerbaijan

An EMCDDA delegation is in Baku today for the agency's first visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan under the EU4Monitoring Drugs II project (EU4MD II). The visit is organised in close cooperation with the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the EU Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan. The purpose of the two-day visit is to discuss: the role of the EMCDDA (both within the EU and beyond its borders); the drug situation in Europe and Azerbaijan; and cooperation between the EMCDDA and Azerbaijan until 2027.   On the agenda are meetings at the: Ministry…
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New report shows Europe as key transhipment area for captagon bound for Arabian Peninsula

Europe is a key transhipment point for captagon arriving from the Middle East and bound for the Arabian Peninsula. This is the main finding of a new report published today by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the German Federal Criminal Police Office, the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)   (1). Captagon is mainly produced in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Lebanon. The report states that recent large shipments of captagon seized in the EU were ‘destined to be rerouted towards countries of the Arabian Peninsula (2) — particularly Saudi Arabia — where…
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Director presents European Drug Report 2023 at the European Parliament

EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is at the European Parliament today where he will be presenting the European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments (EDR 2023) to members of the Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). An exchange of views following the presentation will include interventions from Professor Meni Malliori, representative of the European Parliament on the EMCDDA Management Board, and Ms Iga Jeziorska, member of the core group of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSFD). Based on data from 29 countries (EU 27, Türkiye and Norway), the EDR 2023 delivers…
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New guidance for drug checking services in health risk communication

Health risk communication strategies for drug checking services in Europe is the focus of a new EMCDDA manual out today. The resource provides staff working in these services with practical guidance on communicating drug-related risks at both an individual and community level. Drug checking services are available in 11 EU Member States, as well as in Switzerland, the UK and other parts of the world. They provide potentially life-saving information on the content of drug samples submitted to them by people who use drugs, based on chemical analysis. They may also offer advice, counselling or…
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Call for experts to support the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances

This week, the EMCDDA has launched a call to scientists interested in applying to be on a list of experts who may assist the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) in the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The EUDA, which will replace the EMCDDA, will begin operations on 2 July 2024, the day on which its founding regulation enters into application. For the purpose of assessing the risks of NPS, the Scientific Committee may be extended as considered necessary by the Executive Director, acting on the advice of the Chair of the Scientific Committee. This entails designating…
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Call for expression of interest in membership of the EUDA Scientific Committee

Today, the EMCDDA has launched a call for expression of interest in membership of the Scientific Committee of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA). The EUDA, which will replace the EMCDDA, will begin operations on 2 July 2024, the day on which its founding regulation enters into application. The role of the Scientific Committee is to assist the EUDA Management Board and Executive Director by delivering opinions on any scientific matter concerning the agency's activity which they may submit to it. Each member of the EUDA Scientific Committee will be appointed for a four-year period, which…
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Latest culturally adapted EUPC training course in Portuguese delivered in Brazil

Today, the EMCDDA is kicking off the latest culturally adapted European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in Portuguese in Brazil. Under its partnership with the COPOLAD III programme, the EMCDDA has supported the two trainers for this week's five-day online course, whom it has licensed as national trainers for Brazil. The Portuguese version is the first of three culturally adapted editions of the basic EUPC training course being developed under the EMCDDA-COPOLAD partnership and targeted at Latin American and Caribbean countries. Spanish and English versions are currently…
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Key interventions to prevent and control infections among people who inject drugs

Six interventions, one aim: to prevent and control infections among people who inject drugs. In new public health guidance released today, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) have joined forces to identify key interventions to address infectious diseases in this population. Reflecting new evidence, infectious disease treatments, and public health concepts, this guidance updates the 2011 edition. Injecting drug use remains a crucial risk factor for acquiring blood-borne viruses such as hepatitis…
Čtěte více

Dialogue with European Parliament on preparations for new agency mandate

Representatives of the European Parliament are visiting the EMCDDA this week to discuss how the agency will adapt to its new mandate in 2024. New legislation published on 30 June grants the EMCDDA stronger powers to tackle current and future drug problems. The EMCDDA will become the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) on 2 July 2024, the day on which the new regulation enters into application. The EP delegation will be composed of two members of the EP’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE): Isabel Santos, rapporteur for the EUDA Regulation (PT, S&D) and shadow…
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Medal of excellence for EMCDDA expert Laurent Laniel

We are delighted to announce that our colleague Laurent Laniel has been presented with the medal of excellence of the Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre-Narcotics (MAOC (N)). He received the award for his professionalism, expertise, dedication and collaboration in tracking drug trafficking in the Atlantic and Mediterranean maritime domain. Laurent was presented with the medal on 18 October by the MAOC (N) Executive Director Sjoerd Top at a ceremony held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Medals were also awarded to distinguished national…
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Technical dialogue on cannabis policies kicks off in Montevideo

This week in Montevideo, the EMCDDA is co-organising with the Uruguayan Junta Nacional de Drogas, a technical dialogue on cannabis policies. The event is one of a range of activities organised by the agency under the COPOLAD III programme to strengthen drug policy and evaluation systems (1). Since 2014, the supply and use of cannabis for recreational purposes, as opposed to medical or industrial purposes, have been legalised in some American states, as well as in Uruguay since 2012 and in Canada since 2018. As Uruguay is preparing for an evaluation of its cannabis policies in the coming year…
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Bursaries offered for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools

The EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) are delighted to announce the availability of bursaries for the 2024 European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools. The bursaries are being offered via the agency's international cooperation programmes.   Registration for the events opened earlier this month (1): European Drugs Winter School (EDWS) [external website] (26 February–8 March 2024, online) Focus: Gender-sensitive approaches to drug-related issues European Drugs Summer School (EDSS) [external website] (24 June–5 July 2024, Lisbon) Focus: Psychostimulants in Europe: health…
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EMCDDA official visit to Peru in the framework of Working Arrangement with DEVIDA

This week, EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is making an official visit to Peru in the framework of the agency's Working Arrangement with the Peruvian national drug observatory, DEVIDA (1). This is the first such arrangement signed with a Latin-American country. The purpose of the visit is to meet representatives of DEVIDA, Peruvian authorities and other relevant actors, to further discuss areas for strengthening dialogue and cooperation. The strategic and operational aspects of the Working Arrangement — signed in May this year — and the role of national and international partners in its…
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Registration opens for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools 2024

The EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) are delighted to open registration today for two upcoming joint events in 2024: the European Drugs Winter School (EDWS) and the European Drugs Summer School (EDSS) (1).  EDWS: 26 February–8 March 2024 (online): This year, the theme will be ‘Gender-sensitive approaches to drug-related issues', with four sessions dedicated to this topic. The two-week course will feature live lunchtime lectures with experts and practitioners, followed by afternoon exercises. Virtual fieldwork tours will also be offered. Completion of exercises and an…
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New report explores links between drug markets and gun violence in the EU

The links between drug markets and gun violence in the EU are explored today in a new report from the EMCDDA and the Flemish Peace Institute. The analysis responds to a need for further research into the issue, at a time of rising drug-related violence in Europe. On average, over a quarter (28%) of the firearms seizures in Europe are estimated to have occurred in the context of drug trafficking, with this figure close to a half (44%) in some EU Member States (UNODC). The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs has emphasised the need to address the links between the illicit trafficking in drugs and…
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First culturally adapted EUPC training course in Portuguese delivered in Brazil

This week, the first culturally adapted European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in Portuguese was delivered online for 22 Brazilian participants. The Portuguese version is the first of three culturally adapted editions of the basic EUPC training course being developed under the EMCDDA's partnership with the COPOLAD III programme and targeted at Latin America and the Caribbean. Spanish and English versions are currently being piloted and prepared. The Portuguese EUPC version adapted to the Brazilian context was a joint effort of the European Society for Prevention…
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Celebrating European Day of Languages: EMCDDA multilingual drug glossary unveiled

In celebration of the European Day of Languages, we are delighted to unveil the online EMCDDA multilingual glossary of drug-related terms, a practical resource aimed at ensuring high-quality and comparable content on drug-related topics in Europe. This terminology project, which started in 2010, is a collaborative endeavour involving the EMCDDA, the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) and the national focal points of the Reitox network. Its primary aim is to support the consistent use of terminology in EMCDDA reports and outputs, maintaining linguistic precision…
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EU4Monitoring Drugs II: first EMCDDA visit to Azerbaijan

An EMCDDA delegation is in Baku today for the agency's first visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan under the EU4Monitoring Drugs II project (EU4MD II). The visit is organised in close cooperation with the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the EU Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan. The purpose of the two-day visit is to discuss: the role of the EMCDDA (both within the EU and beyond its borders); the drug situation in Europe and Azerbaijan; and cooperation between the EMCDDA and Azerbaijan until 2027.   On the agenda are meetings at the: Ministry…
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New report shows Europe as key transhipment area for captagon bound for Arabian Peninsula

Europe is a key transhipment point for captagon arriving from the Middle East and bound for the Arabian Peninsula. This is the main finding of a new report published today by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the German Federal Criminal Police Office, the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)   (1). Captagon is mainly produced in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Lebanon. The report states that recent large shipments of captagon seized in the EU were ‘destined to be rerouted towards countries of the Arabian Peninsula (2) — particularly Saudi Arabia — where…
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Dne 2. července 2024 se centrum EMCDDA stalo Agenturou Evropské unie pro drogy (EUDA).
Web agentury: https://www.euda.europa.eu Informační stránka o novém mandátu centra EMCDDA (agentury EUDA) je na webu EUDA k dispozici i v češtině - OTEVŘÍT Změnily se i e-mailové adresy zaměstnanců agentury, jsou nyní ve formátu jmeno.prijmeni@euda.europa.eu.