An analysis of drugs in used syringes from sentinel European cities: results from the ESCAPE project, 2018 and 2019
New multi-city syringe study uncovers latest patterns of injecting drug use
The latest patterns of injecting drug use in a selection of European cities are explored today in a new study from the EMCDDA. The report presents the results of an innovative project investigating the substances used by people who inject drugs, by chemically analysing the content of used syringes (1). 17.02.2021
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Single programming document 2021–2023
Maximising access to drug treatment while minimising diversion of medications — new EMCDDA report looks at striking the balance
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) is a key evidence-based tool used to manage opioid dependence and improve related health and social consequences. Yet increasing reports of the diversion and misuse of the controlled drugs used in this treatment in Europe are a cause for concern. 11.02.2021
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